★抱枕 午休枕 車枕★ French Bulldog With Arc de Triomphe (v2) - Barruf
★抱枕 午休枕 車枕★ French Bulldog With Arc de Triomphe (v2) - Barruf
UMade Throw Pillow 抱枕產品特色 - 獨特品味
UMade Throw Pillow 抱枕產品特色 - 色彩鮮豔飽和不掉色
UMade Throw Pillow 抱枕產品特色 - 軟硬適中好抱好躺
UMade Throw Pillow 抱枕產品特色 - 隱形拉鍊美觀 安全不易傷手


★抱枕 午休枕 車枕★ French Bulldog With Arc de Triomphe (v2) - Barruf

Sale price NT$550
Size:35 x 35 cm
組合:枕套 Cover


French Bulldog With Arc de Triomphe (v2) -


  1. 採用國外引進熱昇華轉印技術,顏色鮮豔飽和不退色,色彩還原度 達98%
  2. 布料軟硬適中,好抱好躺,不變形,不起毛球
  3. 隱形拉鍊不破壞創作圖像美感


UMade 藝術家 Barruf

facebook https://www.facebook.com/barruffoll
Hi! I'm Cedric, born in Barcelona, who in 2012 after going across really surrealist experiences, I fall in love with art (especially with illustration and paint); this way appeared Barruf: a self-taught artist with a quite particular vision of his world.


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